Building Legends & Casting Legacies

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12 Weeks…. Seriously???

So, much like everything else that is going on in my life I am a bit late… one or two days.  The closure of the first trimester upon us and it has been a more and more exciting, crazy, scary, exhausting, time consuming, wonderful, love filled, planning, freaking out, incredible, busy 3 (ish) months.  I am one who like to use milestones form time to time to see where I have been, where I have come to and where I would like to go.  So, I am still having the best time possible living in the whimsical exhaustive state that is enlightened by the fact that I AM GOING TO BE A DAD!  Even on some of my worse days this trimester… it still makes me smile.  Life is picking up steam as we work towards the end of the year, nothing abnormal there.  We are starting to get ready for the move next month to a bigger, baby conducive place, and getting tired just thinking about it. My wife and I had an interesting conversation that was possible thanks to an impromptu “stay at home” night.  We are realizing that we are still focusing on different things from each other.  My analogy, and let me be completely clear that this is my analogy…lol, is that I am worried about five to ten years from now and she is worried about what she is going to eat in five to ten minutes. we were able to talk about some of the changes that are going to be taking place in our lives as we draw closer and closer, and NO it is not that we are just going to have a baby (which is the BEST part).  The problem when two nerds get married is that you have rational and legitimate conversations about changes in the division of labor and work flow… seriously.  I am proud to say that my wife did an excellent job of holding the conversation considering that she has been exhausted beyond belief and reason.  She does all that she can, and that it more than I would ever ask.  It is her way of testing her metal for when we have a little one scurrying around the house.  I am seeing the doctor’s appointment on the dry erase board move closer and closer… and with that movement comes more and more anxiousness.  Fervent prayers have been flying over the last few days, and sleep has been lacking.  But I am sure that between school, work, home, family, friends, life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, jiu-jitsu, dieting, moving, contemplating starting a barbershop quartet and anything else that comes my way that there will be some time for sleep at some point. 

I had an interesting analogy come to light when I heard the baby stats of the week from my wife as she put them on her blog.  Now apparently what she said is that the baby is about as tall as a plumb and her uterus is the size of a grapefruit… however, thanks to exhaustion and a mind that moves faster than my ears or lips…. I may or may not have said something along the lines of “Like a turducken!” For those of you that do not know what that is or why my wife may have shot me a rather upset look.  A turducken is a chicken stuffed in a duck stuffed in a turkey and I leapt to a plum stuffed in a grapefruit stuffed in my wife… yeah… not the best thing to say.  But, guess what… I AM GOING TO BE A DAD! I am scared out of my mind, and I am already blaming my lack of sleep on some of the dumb things that I say.