Building Legends & Casting Legacies

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15 Days.... I cannot express

Interesting day today.  So, I am now officially Data Control Clerk working within the IT department.  It has been a long and hard road to get there.  MANY late nights, meetings, toiling over ideas in the middle of the night, learning stuff on my own, tons of research and 3 years (next month) to get to this point.  I do know that through the tutelage that have received from my amazing friend and boss (CET) that I have gained such a clearer knowledge of operations and flow methods that will help me in many ways.  I have enjoyed my time working as an operations representative, and now it is on to Data Control.  After work tonight I met up with my (now) old boss for a couple of drinks and some good conversation.  It was an awesome and good time.  I look forward to continuing to do that… need decent and good adult types to hang out with from time to time… and he is the one that got me into Brazilian jiu-jitsu (sooo looking forward to getting back into that as well… trust me… ask my wife…).  Then, my little brother showed up for a little bit tonight… and he delivered the bassinet!  I know that I have posted some photos… but I had to take some more. 

Even these pictures are not doing it justice.  My father did such an amazing job building this for us… and I will be forever thankful… and ecstatic.  I mean look at it!

Handmade,  fantastic, beautiful, hdfklasdfho kaef!!!!!!  Yes, there is even a cameo from our brilliant border collie, Salem. 

Oh my darling little one… your grandfather has made the place that you will sleep at night, warm, sturdy, and beautiful.  With the hands that held me as a child, and took care of me as I grew up to become the man that is your father, he built this for you.  I am so excited to see you, to hold you with my hands, to take care of you that grow up and watch you become a beautiful woman (but you can totally take your time).

I AM GOING TO BE A DAD, I am scared out of my mind, and this… was an amazing day.