Building Legends & Casting Legacies

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17 Days - Busy, busy, busy

My oh my, the time is flying.  I do not think that my queue will ever get caught up… might just have to send a blast out this weekend to get it all taken care of… but it kind of gives me a buffer in-case I get behind.  Lol.  Who knows.  Today was a good day, we had another appointment.  It seems that the little one has decided to sit posterior… this means that my beautiful wife is going to have to do some more yoga-esque moves.  I have also just finished making 2 different batches of Gumbo.  One is a recipe that I am very fond of.  I am making this one to take into work on Friday.  It is one of the last days for one of my fellow employees, as well as the day that I am moving over to my new department…. Figured it was a good time. 

The other batch is a new recipe… that I am trying… I am sure that my wife and I will suffer through it and see how it is.  As for now, it is after midnight (so I guess that I truly only have 16 more days… blahhh).  I cannot wait to see my little one, to hold her in my arms… but I trust that God has already picked the time and day… and will wait until this time comes.

I AM GOING TO BE A DAD, I am scared out of my mind, and I am ready and waiting… that storm is nearly here.