19 Days - Awesomeness

So, work… blah.  Or so I thought.  For some time I have been in the middle of a small brokering between two departments at the company that I work for.  It is not that I do not like where I am working,  or my boss.  Heck, my boss is the reason that I have turned down a few lucrative job offers… and he is a damn good friend.  In my position I am fortunate enough to have proven myself to only have a director over me in my department, putting me in a unique position in the company.  What this haggling is about is a case that by working for the other department I am going to be able to provide more clear and consistent data to gauge what and how we are doing.  Well, I received word today that they had reached an agreement and my move will be taking place at the end of this week.  This news was amazing news, not just for my career, but for my wife.  To top it all off, I received a call from my father today………. The bassinette is DONE! My father built the bassinette for his future granddaughter.  It is being delivered this upcoming weekend by my youngest brother (whom I also cannot wait to see)! I cannot express what it means for me to have my father build this for our soon to arrive daughter… as well as her possible future siblings.  This is going to be something that we will be able to pass down.. a heirloom created in my generation.  I cannot express the joy of this day… oh little daughter… you can come when you are ready… and it will so eclipse this day… but it is all rooted in you.  (yeah, gushy moment from me… deal with it).

I AM GOING TO BE A DAD, I am scared out of my mind, and 19 days…. Bring it!


18 Days - Contest... what contest?


20 Days.... time keeps on ticking, ticking, ticking...into the future