Building Legends & Casting Legacies

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1st appointment for #3


This week we met with a midwife for the first time since discovering my latest pregnancy. It’s official and real! Our third little one is due early September. We even got to hear a little galloping heartbeat of 160. I am fighting wanting to sleep all day, but otherwise I can’t complain. Food is still my friend, although for a few nights I just wanted chicken noodle soup and crackers. Like I told the midwife, I compare everything to my experience with Zoey, which was rough in most ways. Feel free to scroll back to April 2012 for a recap. In that perspective, both David and this one so far have been pretty smooth sailing. I have no idea of how my transition from 2 to 3 kids will be. Studies show this jump is most often the most stressful for families, even more stressful than having 4 or more. But most studies don’t include a Zoey ;). My perspective is forever varied from the typical, but in this case I don’t mind. I feel like I’m as ready as I can be, and that the worst I can do is over-plan any of it. As far as I know, Zoey will also not need any in-patient procedures over the next 9 months as well. When I was 8 months pregnant with D, Z had a full cranial surgery. Then she had temporary screws added when he was about 6 weeks. Maybe my physical adapting to 3 will be harder, but at least my emotional state will be a little more stable this time around. Here’s hoping anyway. It’s still hard for me to think about memories of the harder days and personally attach them to who I am now. Like, this really is my life. Stories that seem so extreme, even when told with the most basic of vocabulary. Somehow that was me. That was us. And still is us. It’s still very much like a dream for me. Granted this dream has teeth and demands more than I ever expected. But I have never felt alone in it, and that makes all the difference in learning how to walk in it. One day bleeds into the next and suddenly years of crazy stories and experiences have flooded our little family. I run the spectrum of emotions in each moment, but overall I am so grateful to have been entrusted with the gifts of these busy little ones. We are so excited for this new one to join the craziness.