23 Days... sleep, what sleep?

We have been privy to some awesome and interesting weather here in RVA as of late.  I know that we are BARELY into spring, but I am not accustomed to 80+ degree days in March.  This weather does a few things.  One, it makes going to work very difficult.  I have been chatting with some dear friends at work and I realize that it would be nice to be independently wealthy, and it would be incredible to be at the river or the beach… right… now.  Yeah, blogging at work, deal with it.  Second, it has seemed to impair my wife’s ability to sleep.  Last night was, by far, one of the roughest nights in a long time.  I feel so bad that she just could not seem to get comfortable.  I am not sure if it was the weather, the bed, our little one, I am not sure what it was.  All I know is that she barely slept and I did not sleep at all (I do not, and will not count 10 – 15 min increments as ‘sleep’).  I am hoping that tonight is better.  We have an appointment tomorrow morning which means I will either go into work for a few short hours EARLY in the morning.  Or, I will not be going in at all.  As with most of the appointment, I am so very excited. 

I AM GOING TO BE A DAD, I am scared out of my mind, and exhaustion is my forte.


22 Days - Batten Down The Hatches


24 Days... and the Jeep breaks down (again)