Building Legends & Casting Legacies

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25 Days, and counting

Tonight I had Toastmasters.  Though I did not speak it was still a ton of fun.  We are gearing up with our spring speech and table topics contests.  Tonight was the table topics contest and all of the contestants did an awesome job.  I did come to the realization that I WILL NOT be speaking at the next meeting (Speech Contest) as I will be chairing the competition.  This is bittersweet news, but the way that I look at it is this:

The ORIGINAL due date for our little one was March 30th, the current one is set for April 14th (25 days away).  This being stated, the district competition is being held on March 31st.  IN THE EVENT that I were to win or come in second, there is a very good chance that my wife could go into labor at some-point around the contest.  This would result in me bowing out (100% by choice with little regard to the competition) so that I could be there for my wife, and to greet my little one.  This would mean that I would be out of the contest anyway.  Thus, it is better to chair the contest and get the check-mark for the leadership criteria then to speak, taking a chance, and having it result in nothing as my daughter is far more important. 

All in all, an easy decision to make. 

I am now in a rhythm of drawing baths for my very pregnant wife every evening.  This gives her time to relax, her body time to stretch, and seems to be helping her sleep.  We are so very anxious to meet our little one.  My wife recently completed an awesome project involving our daughter name.  It is now handing in our nursery and seems to make it even more real.  I also received news that the bassinet is nearly finished.  There is a chance that my father will be in DC sometime soon, perhaps this calls for a trip up (I miss hanging out with my dad).  We shall see. 

I AM GOING TO BE A DAD, I am scared out of my mind, but I know well enough that I can forecast events that I will always and forever choose family over myself, or a good time.  After all, family time IS ALWAYS a good time.