Building Legends & Casting Legacies

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27 days.... wait... what????

Ok… seriously… the last time that I checked we were in the 30’s of this countdown…. Please excuse me for a moment while I run outside and scream……………………………………………

Ok… after my home alone moment… things are a little better. 

So, I have about nine days to catch up on…. Let’s see.  First and foremost, last weekend the wife and I had the honor of attending  or newest and darling little nieces dedication up in NOVA.  It is always great to see family.  We were able to hang out and talk about many different things, including but not limited to the upcoming birth of our own little one.  Today we were able to get the car seat in my wife’s car.  We also prepped the to-go bag for the upcoming trip to the hospital.  The other night my mother came over and took my wife out shopping at this place call Ring Around the Rosie, a second hand store for kids stuff.  While they were there they were able to find a rocking chair (seriously for $17) a couple of carriers, and a nursing cover.  I heard from my father the other day letting me know that the bassinet was almost finished and would soon be on its way here for my assembly.   Did I mention the fact that my father MADE the bassinet that our daughter is going to be sleeping in!!!!! Seriously… awesomeness.  Things are starting to come together.  We are rapidly approaching not only the first due date that we were told (and I STILL think is far closer to correct than the ‘new’ one), with the ‘new’ one following close as well. 

All in all, things are coming upon us quickly.  I am finding that I am more and more stressed out…  but I am coping.  I think that I am a little on edge about the sounds coming from my wife.  I find that I am constantly asking “are you ok?” and she lovingly sighs and says something like “things are fine” or “honey, I just have to go to the bathroom” and this allows my heart to return to its job… beating.  My father told me that it is important to focus on the day to day… and to know that things will all be fine.  One thing that is true… we WILL be having this baby.  I am doing my best to keep to his advice… it does help… but it is not  easy. 

I am going to try to be better about putting something here each day… we shall see.  Work is crazy, life is crazy, hmmm… how does that song go?  “God is great, beer is good, and people are crazy”.  Yeah…. TRUTH.  Oh… and keep your fingers crossed for teddybeardaddy and his awesome wife… their little one, “jellybean” will be here before we all know it.

I AM GOING TO BE A DAD, I am scared out of my mind, and I keep losing track of time… awesome.