5 Days LEFT….. Come on little one….

After a long day yesterday, and little to no sleep last night… I awoke to find that we have 5 short days left until our second due date.  I did not think that I would be counting down this far… but the fact remains that we are now here.  After making it thought the work day in a VERY zombie like state (I do not think that I said anything that would have been improper today… I get like that when I am tired), I am now home to take care of some things.  I NEED to get caught up on homework, I am going to (hopefully) be able to mentor a good friend of mine on his Ice Breaker speech for Toastmaster, I need to write and practice my eighth speech and I am sure that there are a zillion other things to get done tonight.  Nothing major to report on my darling wife’s progress… starting to take bets on the ACTUAL date…. I have told her that she needs to force herself to walk around more… and I know that she is tired and in pain… but she is doing so well.  I am continually amazed with the ability that my wife has to deal with all of this stuff; the pain, discomfort, pressure, worry, and all of the other physical stuff while being tired, taking care of our brilliant border collie and being a damn good wife.  Perhaps there will be more news tomorrow…. Let’s all hope so for my wife’s sake.

I AM GOING TO BE A DAD, I am scared out of my mind, and I think that my wife and I are so tired that we will spend the rest of the week (yes it IS Monday) saying nonsensical things and laughing.


Baby alert system


6 days left…. REALLY need to get caught up on the photo-a-day thing