Building Legends & Casting Legacies

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6 days left…. REALLY need to get caught up on the photo-a-day thing

Well… sometime around 4:30 this morning the wife woke up due to pressure.  We spend the majority of the day waking around, she was squeezing in some sleep when she could.  I drew a couple of baths for her, cleaned the house, made a few runs to the store, started the laundry, etc.  After a VERY long day…. Still no baby.  We are certain that she is ALMOST ready to grace us with her presence.  On the Easter side of things, we were able to dye some eggs and THE Bunny brought my wife some chocolate… she needs it right?.  Now, a VERY long day behind us, I am going to try to go to sleep.  I am so ready for my little one to get here… I know my wife is as well.  In fact, I even told my little one when my wife was trying to get some sleep “come on little one…. We are ready when you are.” Good night tumblrland.

I AM GOING TO BE A DAD, I am scared out of my mind… and I wonder if a trampoline would help…