Building Legends & Casting Legacies

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69 days left...

So, for the first time, in about a week, the wife and I were able to actually get some sleep the other night.  We have been dealing with one of the more joyous and frustrating parts of the third trimester.  Apparently our little one is practicing to try out for the US Olympic Gymnastics team.  As good as she may be at somersaults, flips, and kicks, this does mean one simple thing.  This practice causes my beautiful wife to toss and turn in a vain effort to get comfortable.  This, in turn, means that, through no fault of her own, the tossing and turning is ensuring that I am not getting any sleep either.  Between to constant trips to the restroom, the sitting up, the laying down, moving to the left side, moving to the right side… neither of us have been able to get any sleep.  I do feel that she is also preparing us to become parents.  69 days is what the count says today… where has all the time gone!  That aside, the other night we were blessed with a fairly gymnastic free evening the other night… and we slept.  My oh my did we sleep.  We slept so long that I missed a training meeting for toastmasters.  But, if I know my little daughter-to-be… I can promise myself (much to the disdain of my wife) that this was a gift… and not the norm.  I AM GOING TO BE A DAD, I am scared out of my mind, and what the hell is a sleep bank…lol.