A 31 Day Writing Challenge for August

Nothing like starting behind. Looking for more creativity, and a break from the norm, I am attempting this #31DayChallenge for August. My goal is to get one out each day (ok, two today because of reasons). Here are the things that I will be covering in the month to come. Fingers crossed, I complete this and do not miss any more days. As always, you can feel free to like, share, or subscribe.  I want to know what you think about these things.  If you are doing this challenge with me, make sure that you let me know.

  1. Five ways to win your heart
  2. Something you feel strongly about
  3. A book you love, and why
  4. Your favorite time of day
  5. Things you never got to say
  6. A song that fits right now
  7. Five pet peeves
  8. Your favorite recipe and why
  9. Education
  10. The opportunity that go away
  11. Family
  12. Five things that draw you to a person
  13. Your favorite attribute
  14. An item that gives you confidence
  15. The awkward moment when…
  16. What if…
  17. It makes you anxious
  18. Your biggest plot twist
  19. Five ‘I wish I had” items
  20. One of your fears
  21. A glimpse at one future day
  22. The hobby you wish you had
  23. Something that you miss
  24. Five words that make you laugh
  25. A current worry
  26. Five words that describe your life
  27. A quote you try to live by
  28. Somewhere you would like to live
  29. Five weird things you like
  30. Favorite cookie
  31. Most reoccurring setting in your dreams

You can always read more here:http://bit.ly/2u0lNLU


Day 1: Five Ways to win your heart
