Building Legends & Casting Legacies

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A dad's thoughts on what happened yesterday.

It is not just a gun issue.It is not just a mental health issue.It is not just a faith issue.It is not just an immigration, rights, society, freedom, security, constitutional issue.It is not a love, hate, indifference, compassion, community, education issue.It is not just a family issue.It is all of these, and scores more. We’ve reached a state in our society that would newsbreaks of children being killed it becomes a headline and not a moment of sorrow . More and more frequently parents are having to worry about what’s going to happen with their child when they send them away from their home.As a dad, when I watch the news, I am terrified about the world that my children are growing up in. It is my job to raise them, it is my job to protect them. It is my job to teach them what is right. It is my job just show them love, compassion, understanding, and safety.As a dad, it is time that I voice the fact that all dads out there, in fact all parents, need to own this.As a dad, I need to do better. Not just for my children and their future. Look for yours as well.Live big, love bigger, and be kind, always.
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