A good day...

Today my beloved was able to attend a function at church and do the shopping while I was blessed in spending some quality time with the kiddos.
So far we have wrestled, cleaned, made messes, ran around the house, watched Daniel Tiger, and I am getting lunch ready.
Goals: clean house, laundry started, kids fed, dinner prepped and the kids and I to have all fingers, toes and eyes by the time my bride comes home. She so deserves a break, and would very much enjoy (I think) the joy of coming home to all of these things.

So far, so good.

I AM A CRANIO DAD, I am scared out of my mind and you are never so big and manly that you cannot sit down for a tea party with your daughter….

And drink it like it is the best drink you have EVER had.


An update on my niece


Prayers desperately needed