“A letter always seemed to me like immortality because it is the mind alone without corporeal friend.” - Emily Dickinson

Off and on I have been writing little emails to my daughter since she was born.  I have been including the moments that we have shared that have touched my heart, as well as my hopes and dreams for her. 

With the birth of my son I realized that I have been more than lacking in the emails, and like most parents, recognize more and more of my short-falls in light of my second child.  I vowed to change that for the better, and so far… I have.

I am not sure what the end result of these emails will be.  When will the children take over the accounts, when will they be able to read all of my notes to them? But I am sure of this simple fact.  What I am doing is incalculably important.  These messages, these little notes, will one day be there in my stead, to be a voice of the past (hopefully) reassuring my children when I cannot. 

I do have illusions of grandeur running through my head of giving my daughter and son a simple little card with instructions on where to go, and how to log in on some momentous occasion in their lives (marriage, graduating college, going to college, etc.).  This, undoubtedly, would be followed by the anticipation to a pending reply from the accounts that I have set up for them.  The first time in countless years that there is a message FROM the account that I have been writing to, never expecting a reply.

As for now, bringing myself down from the clouds, I will continue to write my children, and hope that someday my words will mean as much to them… as they do to me.

I AM A CRANIO DAD, I am scared out of my mind, and over the years I will write to them of all the love that I have for them, all the ways that they make me proud, and know that these words will but scratch the surface of the depth of love and pride that I have and hold for them.


At some point....


An update on my niece