A note to my beloved

My Beloved Bride,

  It is amazing where we have gone in the last three years.  There has been so much that has happened to us and out little growing family, that there are times that the years feel stretched.  There are also the times, much like today, that the time seems ever so fleeting.  Has it really been three years? Regardless, through it all, your love, compassion, understanding, joy, peace, friendship and passion have made it much easier to endure.  You are my perfect complement, my best friend, and my beloved. 

The countless hours you have listened to me vent and ramble, and the endless positivity and support that you provide are a testament to your patience.  Your abilities as a mother have never been weighed, measured, or doubted by me.  It is an amazing thing that we find ourselves with two amazing, beautiful children at this point in our lives.  The joy that I see in our children’s eyes, the laughter that fills our home, these are the marks of the incredible, often exhausting, job that you are doing.  We have seen some tough times, you and I.  Through the countless doctors’ appointments, the surgeries, the hospital stays; there we remained, side by side.  You have given me the assurance of a place to lean when I need it most, and I have done my very best to do the same for you.  Countless times of watching the clock, waiting for news, our hands holding each other’s so tightly that they are nearly one and the same.  Your stalwart strength is astounding.  I have never tired of telling you that you are an amazing mother, a breathtaking bride, and my best friend.  Too be honest, I doubt I will ever tire of such things.

All I know is that three years ago I awoke excited for the events that would come, and I have not been disappointed in the slightest.  I do not know where this life will continue to take us, but I know that regardless of the mire, peaks, rivers and valleys, that I would want no other by my side. 

I love you with all of my heart and soul, and yes, that love grows every day.  Happy anniversary my beloved bride.

I AM A CRANIO DAD, I am scared out of my mind, but I find peace in it all because of you.


Happy anniversary....


Rough start...