Building Legends & Casting Legacies

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A Recap: Why I started this blog, and what has brought me to where I am now. (Part 3)

I wanted to create a blog that would allow for other dads-to-be to find refuge, to know that there is someone out there that is going through this mire with them, and that it can be done.  Thankfully, I quickly found that there were many other Dad tumbrs out there (not convinced that dumblr is the way to go on this one just yet).  I have gleaned much insight and continue to do so as often as I can check my dashboard.  I have also received many words of support and even phone calls, one notably from a dad tumblr that called just to say, and I quote “keep it up Michael, it is not easy, but it is all for a bigger cause than ourselves”.

As time progressed, and the arrival of our daughter became eminent, I continued to have fear and doubt (as I think any Dad should have).  Would I be good enough? What if I do or say something wrong? I have a short fuse, how can I keep it in check?  These and a host of other bothersome questions.  Then, our day came.  I encourage all of you to read my beloved brides birth story Part 1 Here, Part 2 Here, Part 3 Here .  In-fact, go do that now and look for my next post, I should get back to work for now.

I AM A DAD, I am scared out of my mind, and Tumblr is how I spend my breaks……