Almost time!

There is this block of time each week that I loathe. The hour or two before the doors open, and the players arrive for the weekly session of Dungeons and Dragons. With the help of four beautiful children our house is in a constant state of flux between warzone and museum.Today, it was much closer to that of a war zone.I fear that I may care too much about how the house looks, sometimes. But Dungeons and Dragons is about so much more than the game itself. The environment sets the tone. Trust me, the players respond.But when the flurry of cleaning has passed, and I am scarfing down some food before the doors open our house, and my office/game room, look amazing.

Going live in two hours on Twitch. I hope my players are as ready as I am.


Back in the groove - Behind the Scenes


It has been awhile, it was almost forever.