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An Update from Zoey: 1 Month


Hi friends,

Guess what? I’m a month old now.  I was allowed to go home from the NICU on April 21st, which means I stayed there for almost two weeks.  Mom and Dad stayed with me in my room the whole time, and we were all ready to go home by then.    Most of the time was spent taking x-rays, scans, taking different tests, and rapidly increasing my feeding amounts to get me back to “normal”.  The test results were really positive: all of my internal organs function well, I passed my vision and hearing tests, my digestive system processes my milk very fast (which means I don’t have any blockages), my MRI was clean, and my toes have all of their separate bones and some are only joined at the skin level.  This means that it will not be a lot of work to separate the toes that are fused later on.  One of the nurses called me a big baby, considering most of the others in the NICU are less than 4 pounds.  It made us all realize how much healthier I am than most of the other babies in there.  Mom and Dad talked with a few of the other new parents, and many of them are facing months of critical care.  It’s hard to feel sorry for myself in a place like that, and also to feel blessed that God has spared me from many more serious problems.

My pediatrician said I was 6 pounds 10 ounces and 19 inches long when I visited him on April 24th.  That means I’ve already gained back all my birth weight plus 4 ounces.  I’ve been drinking a lot of milk since then, and Mom thinks I’m over 7 pounds now.  I’ve been eating so well on my own that Mom even took out my feeding tube.  It’s really nice to breathe better now that my nose and throat aren’t as irritated or congested.  The doctors want me to be weighed every week just to make sure I’m still gaining weight.  We’re also in the process of registering for state and federal assistance with all of my hospital bills.  We have insurance, but monthly visits with seven doctors, a few big surgeries, and two weeks in the NICU is a lot for regular insurance to cover.  When you think of me, please pray that God will provide ways to pay for this great care I’ve been receiving.  If you are interested in learning more about my doctors, the main team works for the Virginia Commonwealth University Center for Craniofacial Care in Richmond.  It is an amazing blessing that I was born in a hospital where some of the best craniofacial specialists in the area work.  I think maybe God planned ahead for me.               

So much has happened over the last month.  I have had so many visitors, which has been fun and exhausting.  A few weeks ago my Grandpa and Grandma came all the way from Indiana to come visit me!  I had so much fun!  It always seemed that I was being loved on and held, so I would return the favor by sleeping.  I cannot wait to get a little older so that I can have my mom and dad take me all the way to Indiana to see them again.  While Grandpa and Grandma were visiting, Aunt Em and Uncle Patrick came in to see me too.  I remembered Aunt Em from my time in the NICU, and Uncle Patrick looks a little like my dad.  I think that I am going to like him a lot, he seems like a nice guy.  Thanks Aunt Em for taking such great pictures!  My Aunt Amy is visiting me now.  She has been helping my mommy and daddy and she is really good at taking care of me.  She feeds me, and changes me, and plays with me.  It is so much fun that I do not want to go to sleep sometimes.  There were lots and lots of pictures taken, but I do not mind.  The flashing use to hurt my eyes, but not anymore.

There was one night that I was not feeling so good-I think it was too hot.  Daddy took my blanket off and stuck this thing behind my ear and I heard a beep.  Next thing I know, mommy was holding me and daddy was turning on the light (which was really bright) and putting cold things on me.  Mommy was talking to me softly and singing a little.  I did not like the cold.  But in no time at all, I was snuggled back up, the light was off and I slept for what seemed like forever.  Another time my dad was a little scared about something.  My Gigi came over to take care of me and he took my mommy somewhere.  I found out later that mommy had to go see the doctor for an infection.  I just hope that they were as nice to her as the ones that I had in the NICU.  I was able to spend some time with my Gigi, and that is always fun.I have also gotten to know my dog Salem.  She is a big black border collie that seems to always be around.  She is really good about letting Mommy or Daddy know when I need a diaper, or I am hungry, or I just want to be held.  She keeps licking my hands and feet and her tongue is wet and cold.  Sometimes it makes me shiver.

Yesterday I went to see the eye doctor.  I don’t close my eyes all the way when I sleep sometimes, so Mom and Dad have been putting eye gel in my eyes a few times each day.  The eye doctor recommended that we add some drops too, just to make sure my eyes stay in good shape.  I don’t like having so many things put in my eyes, but I am happy that I can look around for every sound I hear.  Even though I don’t close my eyes all the time, there has been no damage to my retinas or corneas.  My pupils also respond well to light.  We will be coming back when I’m six months old so that the doctor can continue to monitor my vision.  He also referred me to an oculoplastic surgeon to evaluate the structures of my eyes and eyelids.  So yes, I have one more specialist to charm in two months. 

I’m surprised at how many doctors are interested in me.  I must be pretty special.  I am continuing to grow and I try to impress my mom and dad with my strength every day.  I have been working really hard at lifting my head.  I like to see who is holding me.  When I do lift my head, if my daddy is holding me he showers me with kisses.  His beard tickles, but that is ok.  My mommy and daddy keep saying that my eyes are beautiful.  Daddy always says that I have my mommy’s eyes and his flakes.  Perhaps someday I will understand that, but it must be pretty cool.  Thanks for being my friends and praying so much for me.   

Lots of love, XOXO,

Zoey (with some help from both Mom and Dad)