Another cranio update, of sorts….

We have just returned from a visit with our darling daughter’sear, nose and throat (ENT) specialist.It has been found that our daughter has a significant amount of fluidstill in her ears, and this is not a good thing.

To digress a bit, during one of the multitude of surgeriesthat Zoey had, they placed tubes in her ears.In the last month or so her tubes have fallen out (as they should haveand when they should have).  During thefollow up last month some fluid was seen, hence the follow up today.

On Monday the 13th, three days after her thirdbirthday, our daughter will, once again, have another surgery.  This one will be to place tubes back in herears, remove her adenoids and preform a sedated hearing test.  We are in agreement with the specialist thatthe adenoids should be removed.  With allthat Zoey has going on there are countless reasons why her estuation tubes maybe blocked.  Removing the adenoids maynot be the ultimate answer, but should still help.

Thankfully this surgery will be much quicker than ANY of theother procedures that she has had to date.I just really wish that I could wave a magic wand and make her better,to have her not go through all of this.What makes it even more difficult is watching her play, seeing thisbright, happy, active, sweet little girl, trying so hard to just be a kid. YetI know that there is yet another surgery, another recovery, another moment thatwe must power through.  I am confidentthat things will go well, in fact, I am a bit surprised that this advent justrolls off me.  Perhaps it is due to allof the other surgeries that she has had, the ones that they open her skull andreshaping it to allow room for her brain to grow.  Those surgeries take everything out ofme.  Yet, for every single one, we havejoined her in the PICU and find that our stalwart little girl is there waitingfor us, showing us the strength that she has, so we can find our own.

Please, if you remember (trust me, I will be posting updatesanyway) think a happy thought or two for my daughter on Monday April 13th.  Whisper a prayer on the wind for her safety,and the skill of the surgeon’s.  Thealways awesome electradaddy mentioned after my post about the pending eyesurgery that EVERY surgery is important, and a cause to worry.  He is right.

I AM A CRANIO DAD, I am scared out of my mind and when doesmy daughter get a break?


The Birth of David, a story with a happy beginning.


Cranio Update... of sorts?