As if I expected a break (read on for the pun)...

So, for those of you that have been following along, just over a month ago a guy backed into my jeep. Three weeks and $3000 (almost $4K) of the insurances money later I picked it up this week. Finally happy to have my jeep back I decided (horrible weather in the forecast and all) to do the man thing and replace my rear shocks. This task has been long overdue, so I wanted to tackle it.
There is something about laying on the cold asphalt, staring at the underside of my jeep that just calms me. The cold wind blowing, but the clouds not threatening anything more than some wind. The calm quite of the suburbia jungle with the soft tones of bluegrass coming from the radio, total bliss.
I was amazed at how well things were going, perhaps that was the optimism screaming from my soul, trying to find purchase in something. I reached up with the wrench, ecstatic that I guessed the size right on the first try. I loosened the first bolt with messy ease, humming along as the music echoed up under the jeep. I started on the second bolt… “Snap”. The head of the bolt landed firmly on my chest, silently mocking me and sheared. Much like the bolt, laying on my chest, I continued to lay on my back in the cold silence of the suburban wasteland, broken and heaving with the tides of emotion.
Now I am preparing to limp my jeep slowly to my mechanic (who ironically is right across the street from where the repairs for the accident were done) and hope that he can get to it (cheaply) on Monday.

I AM A CRANIO DAD, I am scared out of my mind, and if you are only swinging at the easy pitches you can still be struck out.


Fun times with the Jeep


Cognition/Speech Assessment