Building Legends & Casting Legacies

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At some point....

My beloved and I have been doing our best to attempt to get up early, pray and eat breakfast together before the kiddos wake up.  We find that we need this time to reconnect, to deepen our love and friendship as well as our faith.

However, having two under three means sometimes long nights and often earlier mornings.  We are trying so hard to get into a rhythm.  We are not ones to accept defeat and are continuing to try.

Even in light of this, we have decided to add a morning session of yoga into the mix as well.  Say what  you will, but at this point I need to do something that catalyzes the weight-loss that I am attempting.  Yoga seems like a great way to start the morning… and if we ever are able to, I am sure that I will have more to say about that.

I AM A CRANIO DAD, I am scared out of my mind, and I really hope that we can get this rhythm going………………….