Building Legends & Casting Legacies

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At this very moment, 8:24am, exactly five years ago, something awesome happened. This beautiful girl was born, and I became a dad. Zoey, in the last five years so much has happened. You have been resilient and happy through it all. You are an amazing big sister, and an even better daughter. You have shown me strength, compassion, happiness, love, and joy. I have expanded my vocabulary because if you, for the better. I have learned to be patient and listen, so I can be a more comprehensive voice for you. I cannot believe you are already five years old. I remember holding you in the NICU, your tiny, warm body in my arms. At this very moment, 8:24am, exactly five years ago, my heart started growing to be filled with the love I have for you, and it has never stopped. Happy Birthday Zoey. -Dad