Bad Salad, an update for your amusement

We are cruising through the third hour. I have accepted that this tiny bathroom is what my life has become.
Perhaps it was a moment of exhausted hysteria but I did get the chance to talk to my beloved, apparently she has been fighting a battle all her own. BOTH kiddos are vomiting (not my issue).
See how I said not my issue up there. Right there at the end of two sentences ago. Well… Apparently it is now ALSO my issue.

While I huddle in this linen closet, converted bathroom, that is what my life has become I am left with but three options as my wife is the only one not sick…

1. She is a superhero in disguise. We are being attacked by a villain who is using a high frequency weapon on the kiddos and a LOW frequency weapon on me. Would not shock me, she is pretty awesome.

2. Poison.

3. Bad salad for me, bad corn bread for everyone else and I.

Is it awful that I want number one to be the most plausible.


Prayers desperately needed


Bad Salad