Building Legends & Casting Legacies

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Behind every great man...

There stands three women, an amazing wife, a disappointed mother-in-law, and his hopeful mother.  I know that it may seem a little cliché to make a post about my mother on mother’s day.  But, I wanted to take a moment to say how awesome my mom is.  She has done a fantastic job raising 4 of the best boys that are now awesome men.  As a husband, father and brother I would not be who I am today if it was not due to the efforts of my parents.  My mom has been able to survive raising the VB boys and watched us go out into the world as strong and caring men.  She has watched three of us marry the loves of our lives, and work our butts off to be above average fathers.  She has watched those three become fathers, and try to be the best fathers that we can be.  Through a joint effort with my father, my mother has given us the drive to love and care, to the point of exhaustion, our wives and our children.  This mother’s day my mom still has 4 great boys, three amazing daughter-in-laws and 4 beautiful grandchildren plus my brothers one on the way.  Our family will continue grow, to struggle through the hard parts, to soak in the good parts and this is because of my mom.