Building Legends & Casting Legacies

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Changes are coming

I just returned home from attending an amazing Dad 2.0 Summit.  Though my mind and heart are still buzzing with all that I learned, and experienced.  There are already changes that I am making as you read this to correct a bit of a ‘branding crisis’.

Those are two words that I never thought I would say about myself.  But, I am a brand. My desire to be a voice for the voiceless, and show what life is like as a father who has a child with Craniosynostosis (both through the good and the bad) has given me a reason to blog.  I just hope that it gives you a reason to read, and share our story.

To give you a bit of a hint as to how things are changing, feel free to check out or

I AM A CRANIO DAD, I am scared out of my mind… and at least I am good when it comes to a crisis.