Building Legends & Casting Legacies

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Day 24: Five Words That Make You Laugh.

Words are fascinating. Have you ever stopped to realize that many, many people have a favorite word? Or that there are those out there who have a favorite letter? I know this to be true… because I am one of those in the latter. But more on that at the end of this post.Words have the innate power to create and destroy. They can lift us up from the depths or they can knock us from the highest heights. The simple uttering of even a single word can cause a heart to flutter in excitement, or break in despair.We are all taught that “sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me”, and it is a lie. It is something that we tell children to try to teach them to just let things go.  You know what, it never truly works.Seriously, you, the one reading this right now, do you really want to tell me that words will never hurt you? Think back to the last fight that you had with a loved one. The stinging words flying from the tongue of someone you love. Slicing through your skin, and too your heart. What about those moments in a hospital when a doctor walks out, and the room goes silent. It is not the wringing of their hands, or the grief on their face that causes the lamenting cries of heartbreak. It is the words that they say.Five words that make me laugh? Perhaps it is due to the reverence I have for words that I cannot think of any. Does that make me strange?

Five Words That I Love

Instead, provided without explanation, here is a short list of five words that I love.Quiz, Wander, Neophyte, Quixotic, and Denouement.In all of its strangeness and glory, it is my list, and I am happy with that. Of these, my favorite is quiz, and for this one I will give a short explanation. Take a moment and grab a piece of paper and something to write with. Then, in all lowercase cursive, slowly write the word “quiz”. Heck, close your eyes as you do it, feel the way that your hand moves, bending and flexing. Now, open your eyes and look at it. For the way that it feels to write, and the way that it looks when written, I have felt this to be the most beautiful word in the English language since I was in middle school.Oh, and my favorite letter, it is Q.Live big, love bigger, and be kind, always.You can always read more here: