Building Legends & Casting Legacies

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Day 27: A Quote You Try To Live By

Oh this one is too easy. For over a year I have been ending every post with the same quote. It is what we are trying to instill in our children, and the guideposts that we have on our own life. Today, I will dissect it a little bit more than I have in the past.

Live Big

This could mean a multitude of things. It is a matter of perspective. But, as a part of the total quote, and in the eyes of my family, it means something rather specific. For us, it is a total detraction from what many think. This quote does not mean to have the nicest car, largest house, or flashiest bank account. Living big means to make the most of what you have.In order to live big, you must know where you are. It is difficult not to outlive our means in this world. But there are amazing thing that we can do, to enhance our experience and time on this big blue marble. As the kids grow, there will be hiking, camping, canoeing, and sailing as they expand their horizons. Living big means being able to make it, on your own, and help others along the way.

Love Bigger

Much like living big, loving bigger is about knowing what the baseline should be. The mere fact that the adjective is a greater form than the one used for big, is important. The use of ‘bigger’ means that it should be far more evident, this love that you emit, than the life that you live. It should be ‘bigger’ than yourself.Love like this cannot come from a place of seclusion. It comes from a raw awareness of the world. Understanding the hearts of those around you lets you amplify the love that you can bring into this world. It is also more demanding than living big. Living requires solace and self-awareness, while loving means letting yourself be open to the harshness that can exist.

Be Kind

If one is living big, and loving bigger, they should be able to be kind. You have to be cognizant of so many things. Being kind requires you to treat others BETTER than you wish to be treated, regardless of what they say or do. It is that aspect of this quote, which makes it the hardest.All these things we try to do always. It is not meant to be an easy thing to do. It is demanding. Very demanding. But, in teaching these things to our children, and expecting it from them, we are doing something awesome. We are starting the ripples, which this world so desperately needs, to change things, for the better.Live big, love bigger, and be kind, always.You can always read more here: