Building Legends & Casting Legacies

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Enders game, no spoilers

I want to start by being very clear that I have loved the entire series surrounding the book Enders Game. I have read the entire series three times, reading some of my more favorite ones 10+ times throughout my life. I have found the main title so important that for Christmas 2 years ago I purchased copies for everyone in my department. I have also had my beloved bride read it and in doing so it has made its way onto our list of titles for our children to read while we homeschool them.

Needless to say, I know the book very well. The drama spoke to me as a child and guided me as an adult. I have long awaited, and feared this movie. So much that I did not see it in the theater, holding on to the images my mind has produced to play as a backdrop, the scenes, the settings and the characters being all too familiar and loved.

I listened intently to many that saw it, as they compared and contrasted its likeness. Now, my voice joins them.

As a whole I think they did a beautiful job picking out the events that helped the story flow. The CGI was very on par with where film is today, stretching it in some places. There were some slight changes here and there (one VERY major one) that did not ultimately detract from the story.

However, it saddened me that some of the things that were cut, some of what they may have considered trivial moments amongst the pages, were some of the ones that I was most looking forward to. Since seeing the movie last night I have already gone back and reread the book, finding myself wondering if, by fair chance, my memory of certain events were flawed. I will note, that my memory was intact and accurate.

I think that some of the roles were casted perfectly, many others were not. Though the acting from some of the actors was excellent in bringing the novels characters to life, it was in simple things such as size that I fell they were off.

I still love the book, making it (usually) my second favorite book to read. As expected, this fantastic film is a far cry from the experience of reading the book. I encourage ALL of you to find the book and read it, especially if you liked the move and even more so if you did not. I strongly fell that much of the disconnect that has been felt is in all of the little things that they missed.

How serious about that last part am I? If you have never read the book, but would like to, and cannot bring yourself to buy it… I am willing to give three copies away. Plead your case and they will go out in the mail in a few weeks.

I also suggest that those of you that liked the book and the movie, check out the rest of the series… It is more than worth it.

I AM A CRANIO DAD, I am scared out of my mind and I LOVE this book and I liked the movie.