Building Legends & Casting Legacies

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ENT Procedure


We haven’t had any major hospital time since last summer. Our family has thoroughly enjoyed celebrating successive holidays from Labor Day through Easter without any worry of incubation periods in preparing for surgeries and recovery time. We had other financial stresses that have kept us close to home, but these days have been so sweet.
Today we are preparing for Monday’s procedure. I haven’t written about it yet, but it’s time to face the music as another script on the pediatric surgical floor has started for Zoey. This is a relatively minor procedure, especially in light of the experience Zoey has on her resume. Her ear tubes were removed a few months ago as they had already been used for a year. A short hearing test and exam revealed that Zoey still has fluid built up, and she provided questionable hearing results. This procedure has three parts, all of which are estimated to be completed in an hour. We check in at 6am. Zoey is first on the list, so her procedure should begin around 7:30am. Once under anesthesia, Zoey will have a second set of ear tubes inserted, she will have a more reliable hearing test, and she will have her adenoids removed. Recovery is minimal and she should be back to herself by the next day. The plan is to go home once she wakes up, and hopefully there won’t be any surprises that delay her discharge. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers.