Game night jitters, and I have missed posting here!!!!

I mentioned HERE that Iwould be carrying on the conversation about what I am doing tonight for Dungeonsand Dragons here on Tumblr.  I missposting directly here, so this is one of the many things that I will be onlyposting on tumblr (sorry in advance).Anyway, tonight is going to be awesome.We are getting back into Dungeons and Dragons, and I have been preparingfor this night for ~6 weeks.  See, as DMI made the call that the current journey that the party is on was going adirection that was spinning out of control.I debated for a long time about what to do, and finally just asked thegroup if I could find a way to have us all start anew, if they would roll withit (yes, I am a dad, I am a DM, and that is a pun).

So, I am having theplayers draft a squire.  Yep, bringingfantasy football (which has been called the jock of Dungeons and Dragons) intoD&D.  But drafts have rounds? Yep,and here is what I am willing to say about what is going to happen tonight.

I have created 10toons and the players will be interviewing them, one at a time.  They have the limitation that they cannotselect the same class as what they are currently playing, and I am making thateven more difficult.  Each of the newtoons has some tie in to the current player’s history, and it just so happensthat they cannot select that one.  Onceselected the squire will then be sent on the next part of the journey, and thatis who they will be playing for some time.

But how are you makingrounds?

There are wild cardsthat either have a positive or negative effect on the new toon that they maywant to trade.  The way that we are going to get more than one round outof all of this is based on those wild cards. After all the interviews, and atime of deliberation, they will be presented with the wild cards and we willbegin.  Draft order will be determined by rolls (checks determined by a d6roll by me) and they will have the opportunity to take one of 4 actions perround. 

Those actions are:

  • Trade wild cards withanother player or DM (only a roll of natural 20 can prevent a wildcard frombeing taken). 
  • Draft a player.
  • Ask a question of theDM or of a Toon.
  • Pass.

At the end there willbe one more round for wild cards and then some other stuff will happen.

I will be posting allthe wild cards later, but they are awesome.There is also the mechanic that the longer they take to draft, the worsethe penalty/benefit from the wild card is.

I will be rolling 1d20before handing the wild cards out to determine if they will be able to discussthe ones that they have been handed, and have them out… or if they will onlyknow the one that they have.  The extrasthat will be in front of me, must remain sealed until after the draft.

There is so much more, and I am over excited about this.

But it is going to be awesome.


Finally, Friday has decided to make an appearance!


I may be irrationally excited