Building Legends & Casting Legacies

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Heading home.

These few hours behind us, we are finally getting ready to go home.  Though she did not finish her go-lightly, there has been enough….movement…. that they are comfortable in us taking care of the rest from home.  It will be, yet another, long night.  This night will be far stinkier than the others thus far.  I am so very impressed with my sweet little girl.  She is far stronger than she should have to be, and she makes me all that much stronger. 

As an aside, it is awesome how caring my two kids are of each other.  When he should be caring less and playing with the plethora of other things in the room, David continually crawled over to the bed Zoey was in, pulled himself up, and tried his hardest to see her or touch her.  These two melt my heart.  I hope that the love and friendship that we see in them carries on for the rest of their lives.  They are so concerned and supportive of each other.  Seriously.  While we were packing up and getting ready to come to the ER David was cruising along one of the end tables as he always does.  He slipped and started to fall back and Zoey rushed over to hold him up so he would not fall… my two year old… the one that we were going to the hospital for… the one that has already been through so much.

Thank you for all the love and supportive messages.  Please continue to share my plea for assistance HERE, and your continued thoughts and prayers for my daughter’s recovery are very much appreciated.  Also, if you could throw a few prayers in there for my beloved bride, I am going back to work tomorrow, she may need it.

I AM A CRANIO DAD, I am scared out of my mind, and this has been a LONG day.