Building Legends & Casting Legacies

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I have a d&d question, I recently made a lawful good cleric for my friends campaign because his party had no healers, the only thing is I always play as evil characters, if you have any tips for playing a good character that'd be very helpful

Oh, when one has usually played an evil character (assuming chaoticevil?) and then switches to lawful good it CAN ben interesting.  But, there is a fun and easy approach thatyou might want to try.  Keep in mind thatjust because your character is currently lawful good, this does not mean thatthey have ALWAYS been that way.  Thinkabout having some event in your characters backstory that caused them to changetheir ways.  Here is an example of what Iwould consider:

“In his younger years Toon was a bit of a tyrant.  He was known by many to be the guy that youwould not want to cross.  He had a way ofextortion from the locals, and when they did not pay in money, they would paywith property and sometimes their lives. There was much animosity towards Toon,and he not only knew it, he thrived on it. Then, one day, this all changed. Finallyhaving enough the townsfolk rebelled against his ways.  In the end he had no family left, as their bodieswere left swaying in the breeze from the gallows in the town square.  He had no money or property as it was alllooted and left in embers. Worse of all he had no one to turn to.  Realizing that what he had done in the pasthad destroyed all that he valued he fled to a local monastery, changing his nameto Char, and devoting himself to not only changing his ways, but also toprotect those that are being oppressed.”

If you did not know, I am rather verbose when it comes tothings… sorry.

However, what this backstory does is allows for your lawful good character tonot only have a dark past, but for it to sometimes be a struggle for them tomaintain their alignment. This willafford you some flexibility as you learn how to play a good vs. evil character.  

Also, letting your DM know that this is ahuge change for you, and having the backstory to foster growth will (hopefully)allow the DM to correct you easily if you are contrasting with your alignment toomuch, while giving you an out for that correction to take place.

Thank you so much for your question, hope that this answerhelps.