Building Legends & Casting Legacies

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Pilgrim Monk

If any pilgrim monk come from distant parts, if with wish as a guest to dwell in the monastery, and will be content with the customs which he finds in the place, and do not perchance by his lavishness disturb the monastery, but simply content with what he finds: he shall be received, for as long a time as he desires.

If, indeed, he find fault with anything, or expose it, reasonably, and with the humility of charity, the Abbot shall discuss it prudently, lest perchance God has sent him for this very thing.

But, if he have been found gossipy and contemptuous in the time of his sojourn as a guest, not only ought he not be joined to the body of the monastery, but also it shall be said to him, honestly, that he must depart. If he does not go, let two stout monks, in the name of God, explain the matter to him.

Mostly related to the Rule of St. Benedict #61, but I heard this quote at church this weekend and I HAD to post it.