Building Legends & Casting Legacies

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Late night reading... an interruption to the long post...

My wife and I were laying in bed reading… okay, so SHE was reading and I was packing my gym back for tomorrow BEFORE getting in bed to read myself to sleep… happy now? Anyway, she was reading a book that she has not read in a LONG time (I DO NOT say this as to make my blushing bride sound old) and she came across something that she wanted to share with me.  After hearing it, and reeling in the wake left by it… I share it with you, my dear readers…

Also, it TOTALLY goes with the long post… or at least I think that it does.  Enjoy:

“It’s hard to explain, exactly, in words but I feel there is a voice down inside of me, inside all of us.  Call it God speaking to us, call it the soul, call it conscience or whatever you like.  If we turn to it, we can find help in knowing how to make the most of our lives.  But that voice doesn’t speak very loud.  If we aren’t still, if we don’t provide solitude for listening- if we don’t try to listen, then we can’t hear it.  It’s easy to drown out that voice. Just the bustle and noise of everyday living can drown it out.  A man can be so busy making a living, he puts off making his life. And then one day he wakes up and finds he’s too old, and it’s too late.” –From the book, The Family Nobody Wanted by Helen Doss.

Fellow readers…


Words taken right out of my heart, from the depths of my trembling soul and placed on paper.

By the hand of someone else.

Spoken by the lips of the woman I love, right back to my soul.


I AM GOING TO BE A DAD, I am scared out of my mind, and late at night when my wife and I are reading different books, she will come across something that compels her to share it with me… and it speaks to my soul.