Building Legends & Casting Legacies

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Let the reading begin!

In true form, I have begun the task that I set fourth for myself. For those that missed it, HERE I set a challenge to read a book a week. One day in, I am about ¾ of the way done with “The Giver”. Now, I will not be saying anything about this book now. For that, you will have to wait until next week when I post my synopsis on our blog. I have also created a wishlist for the books that I am going to be reading this year. As I purchase books, they will be removed. The books are loaded in reverse order of the order that I will be reading them. If you feel like helping, please do. If you want to read along, that is a starting place for you as well.Anyway, back to indulging myself in the finer things in life.Live big, love bigger, and be kind, always.Wishlist link (For those on other social media than our blog):
You can always read more here: