Building Legends & Casting Legacies

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Love big: What would you do?

Love big: What would you do?What a week, and it is only Tuesday. I have been wracking my brain on if and how to respond to something for the better part of two days. Then, this article came across my desk, and all things came to a halt. We talk a lot about how we are raising our kids to live big, love bigger, and be kind, always.  But it is awesome to see other kids doing things that exemplify this.The long and short of the article is about Blake’s Big Heart. This boy, Blake Wainwright, is doing something awesome.Love Bigger - Blake“When Blake Wainwright’s sister was diagnosed with Craniosynostosis at four months old and needed skull reconstruction surgery, Blake wanted to do something to help the hospital that was helping his sister.”Blake is taking up the banner of a sibling, and showing nothing but love, bigger love than many.  In just a few years he has raised $4,000 for UNC Children’s Hospital, where his sister has received care for her Craniosynostosis. $4,000 from a boy who is now eight years old. Let that sink in a little bit. An eight year old boy is raising money for the hospital that is taking care of his sister, because he wanted to do something to help.

Love Bigger: Why is this important?

In light of all the things going on in the world today, this story is the reminder of all the love that is out there. Ladies and gentlemen, what Blake is doing is rare. There is a lot of people out there that stand with mouths agape as they face things like Craniosynostosis. But Blake is showing us what it means to love bigger. Here is a link to his Facebook page if you want to stop by, give them a like, and tell him how awesome he is. After all Blake is showing us all how to…Live big, love bigger, and be kind, always.