Memorial Day

I know that talking about the military, in general, can an will illicit a mixed bag of emotions. But, it is my somber hope that over this weekend all of you will take a moment from your cookouts, sports, get togethers and whatever else you are doing to remember.
Remember the ones that have risked their lives to give you the freedoms, that frankly many take for granted.
Remember all the one that have given that ultimate sacrifice so that you can jam out with your friends am family, take time off work, throw back a few drinks and breathe that easy sigh of freedom.
To all of those that have served, from the bottom of this veterans heart, thank you. To all whom I served with, thank you.
Last. And never the least, to all whom never made it home, your sacrifice has left a mark on this earth, your loss is mourned, and my family and I live each day to do our best to make sure that, in gratitude, it was worth it.
Thank you one and all for providing that sweet, warm, blanket that all of us have the pleasure to sleep under every night.


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