Building Legends & Casting Legacies

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Never meet your idols...

is a lie when it comes to what I have been fortunate enough to experience over the last two days here at the #dad2summit in Washington, DC.  For YEARS I have been longing to meet and interact with some of the dads from Tumblr. To shake their hands, give them hugs, and tell them that they have helped me get through some of the toughest parts of being a dad.  

Especially today, since the alcohol was flowing as much as the music was playing during the welcome party, I have been able to speak with a few of the fellow Tumblr dads.  They have all been amazing, gracious, and incredible men to meet.  Having the chance to say, “I have been following you for __ and your post about __ helped me get through __” and to see the reaction, the smiles, the hugs… I am floored.

Also, to have the following that I do, and to have it happen to me (as it just did in the hall) blows me away.  There I was, quickly going to my room to grab my phone off the charger and another guy saw me walking in the hall.  He stopped me and stuck out his hand saying 

Him:“Your Cranio Dad right?”

Me: “Yes” (please understand that due to some confusion with my ID, I have been the one giving the caveat of “I am Cranio Dad” in all social interactions.)

Him: “Man, I just want to tell you that your story, what you are doing, what you and your family have been through… it has helped me.  When things are rough, as they often are, I think about some of your posts about your daughters surgeries and I tell myself that if you could make it though that and still be a functioning adult… then I have a chance at making it through this”.

Me: (speechless)

Him: “So, thank you and keep it up man.”

I am not going to lie that I was a little teary eyed with this, and it resulted in a big dad hug in the hallway of a hotel.  This simple interaction will do more for me then I can explain. To be honest, I am still processing it.

To all you dads out there, just trying to get by, trying to do the best that we can for our little ones… consider attending the next Dad 2.0 Summit.  Also, KEEP WRITING (or podcasting).  Who knows, some day you may be walking around an amazing convention, and some dad may come up and tell you how awesome you are.  

I AM A CRANIO DAD, I am scared out of my mind, and I cannot wait to share more of this experience with you all.