Building Legends & Casting Legacies

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New stuff


It has been awhile since I have written a more personal update on life in general. As I ignore the cabinet doors banging open and closed behind me, here is the latest.

Me - I have started a few new endeavors this season. The most time consuming project has been coordinating the childcare program for my MOPS group. Technically it doesn’t even start until Sept 17, but there has been a lot of prep work and hunting down of capable, willing participants as we start our first year in this location. I love it, and I’m really excited with what I have been able to bring to the table with my random assortment of experiences. I highly recommend finding a local MOPS group for all you moms of little ones out there!!
Second, I purchased three large spools of ribbon to be used in about 40 prayer chains for other cranio kids undergoing surgery. This is a project of Cranio Dads ( in direct support of Cranio Care Bears (, an amazing nonprofit that sends care packages to cranio kids before they undergo surgery. I will be getting packs together with instructions for individual chains as I can, so please let me know if you want to help make a few! Third, we have successfully moved into a house! I personally count this as a project and an ongoing accomplishment as we fix it up a little and begin to make it our own.

Zoey - was prescribed an additional four months of wearing an eye patch, this time alternating eyes every day for a few hours. This is an effort to strengthen her eye muscles before her follow up appointment with her ophthalmologist in Nov. Most likely she will have an eye muscle corrective procedure in later Nov, to encourage them to work together a little better. As you might remember, she tends to focus only one eye at a time. She is also continuing in private speech therapy every week, and showing a really encouraging amount of improvement in her articulation. Another shout out, I highly recommend Bon Air Therapy Center through VCU for anyone in the RVA area! All other areas of care are basically on standby now. She is three, and apparently an expert on all things grown-up now. She is a great little mama bear for David.

David - is a ham. Mr. Social, he is actively engaged with every person, dog, and car crossing his path. His speed and fearless curiosity have only increased as he nears his second year of life (aaaaah! too soon!). Every action and word is adorable - then again I’m a little biased, and he is incredibly devoted to his big sister. He has been a wonderfully easy baby, with one major exception in the sleeping category. We’re working on it ;) He has brought so much laughter and chaos to an otherwise overly serious family sometimes.

craniodad - I will let him speak for himself. He’s pretty good at it ;) He is an amazing husband and dad, and I am so blessed to have his undying support in everything as my best friend.