Building Legends & Casting Legacies

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On the long road to recovery....

Today I feel a bit better than I have the last five days. This tells me the the meds are working and that the rest has been needed. I feel like there is so much to be done, but am far to weak to do much. I hate feeling this way. I am so thankful that I have such an amazing wife who does not mind me being a bit lazy (my word not hers).

Here is the deal. According to the doctor I was no more than three days from waking up (if I did, in fact, wake up) with a collapsed lung, pneumonia, double ear infection, bronchitis, and sinus infection. When I took the breath volume test I blew a 75 and almost passed out in doing so. Normal is above 350. Three breathing treatments later I was able to better 350. If the three treatments did not get me there, I would have been admitted. Overall diagnosis is bronchitis, with bronchial spasming, upper respiratory infection, sinus infection with post nasal drip, and basically a near double ear infection.

At least I was not just overreacting to a head cold. And I was also right to consider showing my wife how to pop a collapsed lung using needle chest decompression. Hey, the army medic side of me will not die.

I now have a host of pills and and inhaler that will follow me for some time. I have also been told not to stress my lungs for the next six weeks. No heavy lifting, no strenuous walks, no running, sigh. Need I mention that we are moving next month.
I was going to try to make it to work this morning, but between the weakness that I am feeling, and all of the awesomeness caused by the meds, perhaps tomorrow will be a better day.

I AM A CRANIO DAD, I am scared out of my mind and this took me an hour to write.