Building Legends & Casting Legacies

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Once in a lifetime moment, Pi Edition

There are countless once in a lifetime moments that we experience.  This one is purely coming from the physics side of me.  At this very moment we are experiencing the perfect Pi day!

Π (Pi), as expressed by the first 10 digits is 3.141592653, and is the numerical representation ofthe ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter.  I wish the gif below was around when I was a kid to make it so much easier.


If you look at your calendars and clocks(EST) it is 3.14.15 9:26:53 at this very moment.  This is why this moment is once in a lifetimeas it only happens once every hundred years.Of course, this is not including any conversations about how dates willbe expresses after December 31st 2099.

Why is Π so important?There are countless reasons (see what I did there? No, read on and theyyou will).

Π is irrational: As much as many of us feel that we may beirrational, in relation to mathematics an irrational number cannot be writtenas the ratio (fraction) of two integers (IE. 1/3).

Π is pattern-less: Due to it being an irrational number thenumbers after the decimal never enter a pattern (think of things like 1/3 =0.33333…. or 41/333 = 0.123123123). This also means that there is an infinitenumber of numbers after the decimal (countless numbers).

Π is transcendental: There is an ancient challenge calledsquaring the circle. Since Pi does is not the root of a non-zero polynomialthat has rational coefficients (that is what makes is transcendental) thatmeans that this ancient challenge is impossible as proven by theLindermann-Weierstrass theorem in 1882. Because of this the expression “Squaringthe circle” is a metaphor for trying to do the impossible.

Π is everywhere:  Someof us would love to live in a blocky, Minecraft world.  It would resolve many issues regarding structure,and OCD.  However, we donot.  In fact, circles and spheres areall around us, even though we may not see them.Take the Great Pyramid at Giza for example.  


Now, almost any child can tell you that thereare no circles involved in the shape the pyramid.  However, the ratio of the perimeter and theheight (1760/280) is ~2Π. Did the ancient Egyptians purposefully incorporate Πinto their construction… was it space aliens… perhaps we will never know. Butthis is only one example of the use of Π that is around us.  Π is used in engineering, physics, chemistryand biology, which impacts many of the things that we do and see everyday.  Speaking of physics… 

Heisenberg’s uncertaintyprinciple


Einstein’s general relativity


Kepler’s third law of planetarymotion


These three equations are a great example of our life in a nutshell of numbers and they ALL include Π.

Pi(e) tastes good: Seriously, do I need to explain this one?


I, for one, celebrated this moment, this time when Pi daywas extended to the first 10 digits and not merely the first 3 by listening tothis beautiful piece: 

while eating a piece of lemon chess pi(e).

I AM A CRANIO DAD, I am scared out of my mind and what can Isay… I hated math growing up but I love Π and my waistline shows it.