Overall Update – Stuff & Things

We are still waiting on more information regarding the new informationabout our daughter, and what that means for the pending surgery date. Living ina constant state of flux, surrounding by looming unknowns is starting to take atoll on us. However, we perceiver. Making plans with the idea that they couldall shift with a phone call has been our way of life since Craniosynostosisinvited itself into our lives.

I am feeling better. Hovering around 80% and accepting the exhaustionas a temporary state of everyday. I do not feel like I am getting enough sleep,and that I could sleep for 14 hours. Not at ALL how I have been for my entirelife. I have reached out for some additional testing based on the advice fromMANY of you (thank you all, who know who you are).

I have been able to make it to the office, more than not,over the last two weeks (even if it has pushed me a bit to far a few times). Ihave also been able to get back to streaming (nightly). The upside is that itis forcing me to do more. The down side is that I am getting ideas of thingsthat I want to try to do, but not having the energy to do them. Perhaps thelatter of those two is a bit of a blessing in disguise. I am constantly tryingto do as much normal as I can, because that is how I roll. Pushing myself throughit all.

The kids are doing… well? Hard to tell. I know for some ofyou school has started, others have some time. But as for our house, we go year-roundwith home school, so it is just another week for us.

We are also thinking about re-arranging MOST of our house…. Thisshould be……….. fun.

More when there is more. Thank you for the thoughts, kindwords, conversations, and ideas over these last few weeks. It has helped.

Live big, love bigger, and be kind, always.


Life is definitely life...


The week, that wasn’t