Preparing... to get ready?

Almost time to start getting ready for tonight's game. I am thoroughly impressed with the speed at which the party is moving. But this is also a bit worrisome. There is a lot of travel coming up. I mean, A LOT. Travel has the tendency to slow down campaigns. I will be doing my best to not let it.

Tonight they should find another party member. They may even fight a half-dragon champion that they have witnessed felling "The Hero of Greenest" (a posthumously awarded title). They could recover the dragons eggs, at the 11th hour, or face her wrath. They might uncover some of the things that the Dragon Cult has going on, and what they are trying to do. They could level, again. We could have the follower on our channel that triggers a giveaway. One that I have not set up yet. I need to do that.

Above all, they will have fun. That is the only promise that I can give as a dungeon master. There will be laughter, puns, and incredibly inappropriate comments. It is what we do. This is, after all, #DNDAfterDark.


Getting ready to go live!


This WAS going to be a week