Sad dad is sad.

Just got the suitcases down for my trip to #dad2summit. David walked in… The following conversation happened:

D: what you doing daddy?
Me: I am getting ready for my trip this week kiddo.
D: Daddy trip?
Me: yes little man. I have a trip this week on a plane. I will be gone a few days, but I will be back soon.
D: me go on plane with daddy?
Me: no little man, not this time. Just daddy.
D: (walking out of the room) I go with daddy.

About a minute goes by. I walk out of the bedroom to find David walking back down the hall twords me…

Me: All done for now little man, let’s go…
D: *big smile* let’s go! I go to airport with daddy.


Did not realize until that moment that while David was gone, he had put on his coat and shoes…..

This is going to be a hard week.


And so the trip preparations begin....


Coming soon....