The iPhone quandary.

With my recent coast to coast travels I was made brutally aware of the face that as nifty as my iPhone is…. The battery life is sadly not built for travel. Having a dead phone when coordinating pickups, meeting at lay overs, and such is horrible. My frustrations were even furthered as I sat next to my brother and we watched as my phones battery drained while his barely moved on the flights that we shared.

Recently Verizon introduced their “Edge” program, and I was sent an offer to upgrade the phones on my account to the edge program. This being said, upon my return home, I did some research.

As much as I dig my iPhone, I am moving back to a droid. Something about 4+ times the usage time on the battery and 9 times the stand by time just sings to me. I know that travel such as what I just experienced is more the exception than the norm. But, I will find more peace in knowing that in the event that I am called upon to do the same again, I can stay in contact with all that I need to, and want to.

Just a moment of ranting while I am waiting for my mothers flight to land.

I AM A CRANIO DAD, I am scared out of my mind, and I still love apple.


Though for all you dad's out there


He is risen! hallelujah!