Building Legends & Casting Legacies

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The Long Post, Part 4, My Testimony (part 1)

This is one of those things that I constantly feel compelled to write, work on, and talk about.  However, there always seems to be something that prevents this from happening.  As I have stated, and as those of you whom know me already have the knowledge of, my life has been full of its ups and downs.  Granted, I know what most of you are thinking, so has everyone else’s.  There are, however, some stark differences between my ups and down and many others.  I could, and have been asked to many times, write a book on the things that I have been through… who knows, maybe someday.  This book would not be a short story; it would be a full blown novel, both in length as well as depth of context.  However, for this posting, I will keep it as concise as I can, while still imparting some of the hell that I have seen.