Building Legends & Casting Legacies

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The Long Post, Part 6, Job Plans (part 1)

I am, now, feeling strongly compelled to go and dive head first into ministry.  My wife and I are both attending a Christian college, she for her MBA and I am working on my BS in Religion, and hope to follow that with a Masters in Divinity and then a Masters in Christian Counseling.  Many people ask me why I am compelled to go for this, and how I plan to use these degrees, this knowledge, and my life experiences in a real and powerful way. 

I have always been one to look at the long term, more so than the right here, right now. Staying true to form, that is what I would like to discuss first.  I am hoping that there comes an opportunity for me to purchase a large amount of land.  How much? About 750 acres.  What I would like to do is first offer up plots of land for my siblings and family to have so they can build their homes on land that is theirs free and clear.  Second, I would like to open a summer camp, with many different faucets.  We would have a small farm, heavily mapped out property, caches, cabins, and the like.  The summer camp would be two or three weeks long and consist of counseling, communication classes, survival classes, leadership classes and much more.  It would culminate into an excursion that would show the kids that they can do so much more with the skills that they have.  We would spend four days (give or take) out in the wilderness.  We will hike, fish, set up camps, all under the children’s leadership structure with the adults there just in case.  At the end of this we would have a ceremony showing the children all that they have accomplished.  This camp would have times for troubled youth, aspiring leaders, and children with disabilities, all with curriculum set up for what they can do, and what the goals are.  I would hope (depending on funding) to be able to employ survival experts from the military, health professionals, councilors, teachers and many more.