The Long Update, part 5, vague answers

So, what do we know at this point?

There has yet to be a confirmed classification of what exactly is going on with Zoey.  There are a couple of prospects that continually are brought up.  Those are Apert Syndrome and one of the “cousin disorders” (this is to say that they are very similar in presentation with a minor difference in the chromosomes) Phiffers Syndrome.  Apert is the one that is seeming to be the most likely candidate, however, we are going to have to wait on the data and labs that the genetics team her at MCV are sending to have read and confirmed.  Outside of Apert or Pfeiffers.  Zoey also has a vaginal-rectal fistula.  What this means is that her anus did not grow through the muscles that it needed to, and instead she has a opening closer to her vagina through which she poops.  This is not something that is usually associated with the family of disorders that they are looking at.  It is important to note, our little girl is a pooping machine.  There are times that children are born with a fistula and they cannot poop at all, so she is doing well.  Because she has shown no problems with passing her stool, we are able to push back the corrective surgery for a few more months, until she is a little more developed.  We also know that all of her internal organs look great, she is taking breast milk very well through a pressurized bottle, and she has such an amazing personality that everyone who meets her has fallen in love with her. 


The Long Update, part 6, fin?


The Long Update, part 4, the nightmare fades