Building Legends & Casting Legacies

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This weekend was....

crazy, busy,  and awesome.  I was finally about to get out and do someyard work.  I had to seek vengeance on a horriblyovergrown rosebush, my legs tell a tale of battle.  But things are getting taken care of!  There is something serene about being able togo out into a yard, tackle high grass, weeds, and trimming, and being able tolook at it and see what you are creating.I have also come up with ideas for the massive flower beds, as well ascountless ideas for gardening.

On top of that, my kiddos and beloved bride were able tospend a great deal of time outside, running around, laughing, chasing bubbles,and playing.  There is something so verysweet about a child’s breathless laughter as they run barefoot in tallgrass.  It warms my soul, and makes me aproud father.

Where is all of this coming from?  There is a plan in the works for my littlefamily to get the heck out of these horrible apartments and into a house.  I do not want to go too much into detailright now, as there are countless cogs in this plan that need to keep moving tomake it happen.  But, I will say, thatwhen it does happen, it is going to be awesome.

I am also working on some more in the series “What doesit mean to be a dad” and hope to have them up soon.  Countless irons in the fire is an excellentsummation of how I live my life.  But,unlike many others, ALL of those irons are for the betterment of my family.

I AM A CRANIO DAD, I am scared out of my mind, and it wasa GREAT weekend.